Educational Objectives and Goals, Policies

Educational Objectives and Goals

Based on the humanitarian philosophy of the Red Cross, we aim to nurture human resources possessing the skills necessary to carry out nursing and conduct research into nursing practice and to develop humanity of broadly educated people who are capable of helping people and contributing to international society


1. By increasing basic abilities to engage with others and awareness and sensibilities to understand that the
existence of each human being is irreplaceable and has inherent worth.
2. By nurturing basic abilities to defend human dignity and human rights and to take action informed by
ethical decisions.
3. By nurturing basic abilities to assess and respond to various health issues.
4. By nurturing basic abilities to provide necessary nursing care to people who suffer critical health problems
owing to rapid natural and social changes.
5. By nurturing basic abilities to cooperate with specialists in various fields to develop interdisciplinary activities
and to play an active role in the creation of new forms of community health and welfare.
6. By cultivating basic abilities to work with an international viewpoint and awareness of own role in a changing world, to contribute, through practice of nursing, to society in Japan and overseas.
7. By nurturing basic abilities for lifelong ongoing self-development in nursing practice, education and
8. By providing the knowledge and skills required to practice nursing as profession with pride and responsibility,
while continually growing as human beings.

The Three Educational Policies

Diploma Policy

We will emphasize the following capabilities for students until they graduate. They will be awarded bachelor’s degrees after their performance is rigorously evaluated, and they have acquired the specified course units.
(1) through (6) are basic core competencies, while (7) and (8) have been established as more developmental competencies.

1)Ability to build relationships 
Is able to holistically understand the individuality of each person.
Is able to build relationships of mutual support and growth with other people.
Is able to have a respectful attitude toward people from different cultures and people who hold different values as irreplaceable human beings.
Is able to forge deep relationships with various people for support.

2)Ability to protect human rights 
Is able to perceive the challenges in defending human dignity and rights from an ethical perspective.
Is able to respect and protect the will and uniqueness of each person.

3)Ability to practice nursing
Is able to utilize and practically apply the necessary knowledge and skills for nursing care which are appropriate for the growth and development of the person receiving nursing care and for the place where they live.
Is able to practice nursing that makes the most of the abilities of the person receiving nursing care.
Is able to practically apply the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with various issues at different levels of health.
Is able to be considerate in order to protect the safety of the person receiving nursing care.
Is able to reflect on and assess their own nursing practices.
Is able to take an interest in the health issues that befall people in crisis situations such as disasters, as well as an interest in support activities.

4)Ability to inquire
Is able to identify issues that need to be addressed in the state of affairs surrounding them.
Is able to appropriately collect and analyze information on various challenges that they have established themselves.
Is able to consider evidence-based solutions to various challenges that they have established themselves.
Has an interest in new challenges, and is able to work proactively to find solutions.

5)Ability to cooperate 
Is able to comprehend the functions and roles of the nursing profession, as well as other professional occupations, in a changing health and welfare system.
Is able to participate in information sharing and collaboration with other related professions to solve problems.
Is able to participate as part of a network to deal with various health issues in the community.

6)Ability to make international contribution 
IIs able to understand health issues from an international perspective.
Has the basic ability to make an international contribution using the knowledge and skills acquired at this institute.

(7) The ability to contribute to the community
Is able to focus attention on the communities where people live.
Is able to understand various health issues in the community, as well as the context for those issues.
Is interested and willing to contribute to the community through their nursing expertise.

8)Ability to make a change 
Is concerned with the health needs of people in a changing society under various circumstances.
Is willing to create new nursing practices for the betterment of society.

Curriculum Policy

In order to achieve our educational objectives and goals, the curriculum will be organized and implemented in accordance with the following policies.

The curriculum is set up for students to work on collaborative education from high school, and provide them with a step-by-step learning process from basic to specialized/applied content as nursing professionals. In addition, the curriculum is in a spiral format which allows students to return to the starting point of nursing to realize humanity at each stage of their studies.
In the classes, each subject is developed through various learning styles such as lectures, exercises, and practical training, and active learning through group work, presentations, discussions and other methods is also incorporated so students will comprehensively develop the eight target skills that they should have acquired graduation.
We will provide education that takes into account the individuality of each student, in addition to the incorporation of small-group study, we will organize a timetable that promotes self-study and establish courses which allow students to selectively take applied and advanced studies, so that they can demonstrate autonomy and creativity through their university studies.

Admission Policy

Based on the principles of the Red Cross, we aim to nurture human resources with the fundamental skills necessary to engage in nursing and conduct research into nursing practice, are capable of helping people and contributing to international society, and are well-versed in a wide variety of fields and possess a rich sense of humanity. For that reason, we are looking for students who are similar to those described below.

Those who empathize with the Red Cross philosophy of humanity, and can care for themselves and others.
Those who have the basic academic skills necessary to study nursing, and are capable of thinking logically.
Those who are sensitive and can communicate with diverse people.
People who will discover the joy and depth of nursing-related studies and practice, and have a desire to learn continuously.